Pengaruh Minat Berinvestasi pada Generasi Anak Muda di Pasar Modal Syariah
capital market, investmentAbstract
The capital market is an arena where investors can meet issuers who want to offer or obtain securities. For someone who wants to become an investor, having a good understanding of the capital market is very important, so they need to study how this market works carefully. Education regarding the capital market is really needed by potential investors, and this can be done by stock exchange managers to provide great benefits. The more people are interested, the higher the reputation of the capital market. Investments are assets used by companies to increase wealth through the distribution of results, such as interest, royalties, dividends and rent, as well as to increase value or obtain other benefits from trade relationships. Shares and fixed assets are also included in investments. Prospective investors must have a deep understanding of the capital market and special skills in analyzing and understanding market conditions in order to make the right decisions and avoid losses.
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