Analisis Perilaku Biaya pada UMKM Donat Legend di Kecamatan Burneh, Bangkalan
Cost Behavior, UMKM, Donat LegendAbstract
This research aims to analyze the cost behavior of Donut Legend MSMEs in Burneh District, Bangkalan Regency, Madura. The main focus is the identification and separation of fixed and variable costs in the production process and their impact on operational efficiency and business profitability. This research uses an associative approach with a high-low point method to separate fixed and variable costs from total mixed costs. Primary data was obtained through interviews with business owners, while secondary data came from literature studies. The research results show that Donut Legend has fixed costs of IDR 46,646 per period and variable costs of IDR 259 per unit of activity. Research identifies that electricity costs are mixed costs. However, the data provided by the owner is broad and unstructured, which may affect the accuracy of the analysis. This research is limited to unstructured data and only uses the high-low point method, the results of which are not completely accurate because they only represent changes at two extreme points. It is recommended that MSME Donat Legend improve systematic cost recording and analysis. In addition, more in-depth and accurate analysis methods are needed to provide more comprehensive insight into the cost structure. Increasing financial literacy is also important to support more effective strategic decision making.
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