Pengaruh Kredibilitas Influencer dan Kesesuaian Merek-Influencer terhadap Niat Membeli Melalui Ewom sebagai Variabel Mediasi
Credibility, Influencer, Brand, Purchase Intent, eWOMAbstract
In the rapid development of social media, the role of influencers in marketing on social media is increasingly important in shaping consumer behavior, including purchasing intentions. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of influencer credibility and brand-influencer suitability on purchase intentions via Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) as a mediating variable in the context of marketing on social media, especially Instagram. This research uses a quantitative method using primary data obtained through distributing questionnaires to 145 respondents who come from the Jabodetabek area and know about the skincare brand Somethinc and the beauty influencer, Tasya Faraysa, on the Instagram platform. Data analysis was carried out using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to evaluate the level of significance and relationship between various variables. The research results show that influencer credibility and brand-influencer fit have a positive influence on eWOM, which in turn influences consumer purchase intentions. The managerial implications of these findings emphasize the importance of considering brand-influencer credibility and suitability in marketing strategies on social media, as well as exploiting the potential of eWOM as a mediator to increase consumer purchase intentions. From the research results obtained, researchers suggest involving a wider sample and a variety of influencers and brands to generalize the findings, as well as deepen understanding of the influence mechanisms of influencers and eWOM on consumer purchase intentions.
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