The Impact of SDG 30 on Eco-Literacy and Green Purchase Maqashid Syariah Perspective
Eco Literacy, Green Purchase, Brand Image, SDGs, Maqashid ShariaAbstract
This study aims to analyze the impact of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 on eco-literacy and green purchase behaviour from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah. Climate change and the need for sustainability highlight the importance of eco-literacy in fostering consumer environmental awareness. This research employs a quantitative method using a survey of 96 respondents selected through purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The findings indicate that eco-literacy significantly influences the brand image and green product knowledge. These variables mediate the relationship between eco-literacy and green purchase behaviour. The results emphasize that consumers with higher levels of eco-literacy tend to prefer sustainable brands and environmentally friendly products. From the perspective of maqashid syariah, these findings align with the principles of hifz al-'aql (protection of intellect) and hifz al-maal (protection of wealth).
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