Eksplorasi Keterkaitan Antara Budaya Organisasi dan CSR : Pendekatan Bibliometrik
Bibliometric Approach, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational CultureAbstract
This research aims to explore the relationship between organizational culture and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through a bibliometric approach. Organizational culture and CSR are two important concepts that can mutually influence and impact a company's overall performance. By employing bibliometric analysis, this study identifies and analyzes relevant literature from various academic databases to understand research trends, collaboration patterns, and main topics in this field. The analysis results indicate a significant relationship between strong organizational culture and effective CSR implementation. Organizational cultures that support ethical values, sustainability, and social responsibility tend to encourage better CSR practices. These findings are expected to provide new insights for researchers and practitioners in developing organizational strategies that integrate corporate culture with CSR initiatives to enhance corporate performance and reputation.
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