Integrating Spiritual Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, Teacher, Link & Match Concept between the Educational and Bussiness and Effective Leadership for Enhanced Education Quality and Sporting Attainment
Spiritual wisdom, Scientific knowledge integration, Teacher facilitation, Education-business linkage, Enhanced leadershipAbstract
This research aims to explore the integration of spiritual wisdom and scientific knowledge within the educational landscape, facilitated by teachers, to foster a symbiotic relationship between education and business sectors. The study adopts a participatory action research model, involving purposive sampling of educators and business leaders. Data analysis employs thematic analysis to uncover patterns and insights. The findings reveal the significance of integrating spiritual principles with scientific education methodologies, guided by effective leadership practices, in enhancing educational quality and sporting achievements. This research underscores the pivotal role of teachers as facilitators in bridging the gap between spiritual wisdom and scientific knowledge for holistic development in education and sports domains.
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